Jesus is the light that gives us hope now and forever!

Experience Easter at MapleRidge celebrating His victory over darkness through inspiring music and a message of hope and renewal.

What to Expect

At MapleRidge, we hope you find a church home you’ve been missing.

Sunday Service

We have two worship services every Sunday at 9am & 10:30am. We hope to see you there! And join us for RidgeBridge – a time between services for coffee and connections.

– streaming sermons every Sunday around 9:25am –


During our worship services, we have Children’s Church for kids age 3 through PreK at 9am and age 3 through 5th grade at 10:30am. Nursery for birth to 3 years old provided during both services.

Children worship alongside their household for the first 20 minutes of the service and then, those who would like, are dismissed to join their peers for children’s church for the remainder of the service.


The focus is on the Word of God. We encourage you to bring a bible to follow along. Don’t own one? We’d love to give you one on your visit to take home!


Our church is made up of many different people, with different styles – some prefer suits – others jeans. Wear your style, we want you to be comfortable.


We sing, pray and learn what God’s word has to say for us today. Each service lasts about 60 minutes.


We honor God with the musical gifts He has given us within our church community. The worship team and choir use a variety of modern songs and hymns to focus our worship on Christ.

kids check-in

Safety of your children is important. When you walk into our main lobby, you’ll find our check-in area located straight ahead.


Classes for adults, teens and children provide opportunities for spiritual growth for all generations.