Why join a reoccurring group event?

The ties that bind us, that make us feel part of something bigger, work as a safety net, guiding us through stress and unhealthy behaviors. When we feel we have support and are not alone, we are more resilient, often coping more effectively with difficult times in our lives.

Click on the images in our Adult Ministries page to learn in detail about how you can join a study, a class or a group.

Breakfast Club

Fun day for RidgeKids and their families. Please pass the donuts!

Each year churches and volunteers around the world come together in a coordinated effort to bless millions of children with a shoebox that God has planned for them to receive, and which exposes them to the Good News. You are invited to be part of this effort. Boxes are available in the lobby and need to be returned on or before November 17th.

Ways to participate:

Everyone: Pray over the entire process: hearts of the recipients God is intending the shoeboxes for, local ministry partners, access in hard-to-reach areas where believers may face hardships for professing faith in Jesus, volunteers and staff who process and assemble shoeboxes built online, boys and girls in The Greatest Journey program will dedicate their lives to Christ and share with their family and friends about Him, lift up local teachers of The Greatest Journey as they train the next generation of disciples

Individually: As your circumstances permit you can either (i) pack your own box, (ii) virtually pack a box online at https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/buildonline/ or (iii) contribute items to the collection bin in the lobby.

Community: New this year will be an AWANA School Supply packing event on October 23. Donate money for the School Supply packing event: We can use the donations to buy school supplies in bulk for much less, allowing us to pack more! We will set up a collection box in the lobby.

What to Pack: A “WOW” item, personal care items, school supplies, small toys, game & activities, clothing & accessories and a personalized note

Shoebox Gift Suggestions

Questions on allowed or not allowed items


~ Here’s a great partnership event ~
Awana Clubs pack – Adults donate funds!

AWANA is packing school supplies for Operation Christmas Child on October 23rd.

Donations dropped off in the lobby collections box will be used to buy school supplies in bulk for much less, allowing the kids in Awana to pack more! Donate early so they can purchase the items in time for this event on October 23rd.