Adult Ministries

Sunday Classes

Sundays 10:30am
September 22nd thru Nov 10th

Men’s Bible Studies

Tuesday 6 am(CT) 7 am(ET) | via Zoom
The Book of Mark

Don’t let geography keep you from joining a group of guys trying to improve their walk with Jesus.
To request Zoom link, contact Tracy Mc Donald or use the Contact Us form online.

Tuesday 6:30 pm | Fireside Room
The Book of Acts: Your Mission to the World

October 1st – December 10th

Thursday 10 am | Fireside Room
Classic Christianity

September 12th – December 19th

Women’s Bible Studies

1st & 3rd Monday @ 6:30 pm | Room 101
7 Feasts: Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament

September 23rd – February 17th

Should modern-day believers care about the Feast of Trumpets or other such puzzling celebrations in the Bible? In this fascinating 8-week study, Davis says yes—and explains why! As she shares the cultural significance of these occasions, you’ll come to appreciate how each feast is loaded with meaning—ultimately pointing to Jesus and his work in redemption. 

Wednesday 10 am | Room 101
Acts – The Holy Spirit Transforms Lives

September 11th – December 18th
Facilitators: Stacy White, Carol Kramka, Ann-Elise Grosser, Tanni Sollitt
Childcare provided – Drop-off @ 9:50AM

Thursday 10 am | Rooms 108/109
Discerning the Voice of God

September 12th – December 19th
Discover the root to clear and daily communication with God – humble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.

Group Activities

Legacy Lunch
Legacy Lunch
Age 55 +

11:30 am | The Fellowship Room
Sept thru May on the first Monday of the Month (with exceptions)
See Events page for current month details.

Wednesdays @ 1pm | Fireside Room
Grief Share
September 11th thru December 4th
Grief Share is a grief recovery support group led by Bob and Carole Swanson. In this group you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.
We invite you to take that first step of your journey from mourning to joy and join us. If you have questions or are new to the group and need a workbook, please contact Bob, Carole or our MapleRidge church office.
Life Recovery Group
Sundays @ 7pm | Fellowship Hall

This is a faith-based 12-step recovery program geared towards finding freedom from a variety of problems including grief, codependency, anxiety, and addiction with the help of a sponsor and walking with the Lord.
For more information on how to join this unique group, email Ryan Becker or use the contact us form.

Wednesdays @ 4:30-6 pm | Pastor Scott’s office
Prayer Gathering

This is a time to gather in prayer over current requests from cards filled out each week, submitted on the website, church app or any other requests.  It’s also an opportunity for a time of prayer in silence. We encourage anyone to attend.

We’ll meet weekly until May 21st when we break for summer.

Life Groups

Life Groups

Be a part of our Life Groups. Gather with friends to form deeper bonds through fellowship, praying together, sharing your needs or concerns. Each group will decide on topics for discussions as well as when and where to meet.

For information on joining or forming a group contact Naomi Brose – Deacon of Adult Education.

Table Talk

Join a group of women to gather regularly – chat, laugh and share your life moments. 

For information on joining or forming a group contact Naomi Brose – Deacon of Adult Education.