Saymel Neepaye
Church Ministry Coordinator
Provide assistance to the volunteer Deacon’s and their respective ministries, provide collaboration and coordination on projects and secure needed resources for Deacon ministries, be accessible to the congregation on Sunday mornings. Assist the tech team in preparing weekly worship services and church events and collaborate with the Senior Pastor on the workflow of first-time guests. Serve as the primary communicator and editor for all in-house communications. Update media platforms and create the graphics needed. Organize and implement on-site events and special facility usage. Supervise the church office staff and recruit office volunteers. Provide clerical assistance to the staff and lay led ministries as needed and perform other duties as assigned.
I am a native of Liberia, West Africa, and a born-again Christian, my faith is rooted in a deep conviction of my desire to continue serving GOD and to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. I have experienced a transformative encounter with God’s grace and mercy, which led me to make a personal commitment to Christ. Since then, I have dedicated myself to growing my relationship with God through prayer, fasting, studying the Bible, participating in worship, and engaging in fellowship with other believers.
I am married to Caroline for 16 years and counting we are blessed with 5 beautiful children, 3 girls, and two boys.
As I matured in my faith, I developed a passion for living for the glory of God and the well-being of others. Everything I do should be unto the glory of God, not man. My mission is to use my education, skills, and pieces of training to depopulate hell and populate Heaven.
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 KJV)
I love the outdoors and like exploring new places, meeting new people, and learning new languages. I take a lot of pleasure in reading about business and natural resources, that’s why I’m a big fan of National Geographic.
• The Holy Bible
• Why nations fail: James A. Robinson
• A world for sale: Jack Farchy & Javier Blas