Adult Ministries
Sunday Classes

Tuesday 6:30 pm | Fireside Room
Ephesians: God’s Vision For His People
January 14th – April 8th
$10 Study Guide – click on image to sign up and purchase your study guide.
The Gospel is not only about your salvation; it’s about the Church — our shared community of faith! Let’s explore God’s purpose for our journey together in Christ, even in the midst of a hostile and fractured society.
Women’s Bible Studies
1st & 3rd Monday @ 6:30 pm | Room 101
7 Feasts: Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament
September 23rd – February 17th
7 Feasts: Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament
September 23rd – February 17th
Should modern-day believers care about the Feast of Trumpets or other such puzzling celebrations in the Bible? In this fascinating 8-week study, Davis says yes—and explains why! As she shares the cultural significance of these occasions, you’ll come to appreciate how each feast is loaded with meaning—ultimately pointing to Jesus and his work in redemption.
Wednesday 10 am | Room 108
Ephesians: God’s Vision For His People
January 15th – April 23rd
Facilitators: Stacy White, Carol Kramka, Ann-Elise Grosser, Tanni Sollitt
Free Childcare provided – Drop-off @ 9:50AM
$10 Study Guide – click on image to sign up and purchase your guide.
Sometimes referred to as the “Crown of Paul’s writings”, the book of Ephesians not only reminds us of all that God has done for us in Jesus but also helps us understand how to live as Jesus’ followers in a hurting world that is often hostile to the Gospel.
Thursday 10 am | Room 109
Heaven by Jennifer Rothschild
January 30th – May 15th
In this video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.
Sign up to join this study and purchase your copy of the book ($22).

Legacy Lunch
Age 55 +
Age 55 +
11:30 am | The Fellowship Room
Sept thru May on the first Monday of the Month (with exceptions)
See Events page for current month details.
Wednesdays @ 4:30-6 pm | Pastor Scott’s office
Prayer Gathering
Prayer Gathering
This is a time to gather in prayer over current requests from cards filled out each week, submitted on the website, church app or any other requests. It’s also an opportunity for a time of prayer in silence. We encourage anyone to attend.
We’ll meet weekly until May 21st when we break for summer.

Table Talk
Women of all ages gathering for conversation and fellowship. We meet once a month in March, April & May in the home of a host. Sign up sheets are available in the church lobby. They are listed by location and date/time so you can select the one the best fits your needs.