
Scott Boles
Scott BolesSenior Pastor
Kristel Peters
Kristel PetersMinister of Worship
Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn JohnsonChurch Operations and Systems Support
Bette Kluck
Bette KluckOffice Administrator
Marcie Boles
Marcie BolesSunday AM Children's Ministry Coordinator
Tracie Peterson
Tracie PetersonWednesday PM Children's Ministry Coordinator
Deb Mickelson
Deb MickelsonNursery Attendant
Linda McComb
Linda McCombNursery Assistant
Aaron Droogsma
Aaron DroogsmaMiddle School Student Ministry
Jake Noack
Jake NoackAudio/Visual Coordinator
Vicki Falbo
Vicki FalboSocial Media Coordinator
Ryan Becker
Ryan BeckerBuilding Maintenance Staff


Serve the church by praying for and listening to the direction of God.

Shepherd the church in that divine direction through prayer.

Stewardship of gifts, development of policy, and empowerment of staff and volunteer opportunities.

Scott Boles
Scott BolesSenior Pastor/Elder
Brad Lien
Brad LienElder - Chair
Terry Daly
Terry DalyElder - Vice Chair
Tracie Peterson
Tracie PetersonElder - Secretary
Dave Sollitt
Dave SollittElder
Liz Blake
Liz BlakeElder
Peter Olapade
Peter OlapadeElder
David Rony
David RonyElder
Jake Sacquitne
Jake SacquitneElder


Kristel Peters
Kristel PetersWorship Pastor/Deacon of Worship
Steve & Shelly Neinaber
Steve & Shelly NeinaberDeacons of Adult Education
Jim Grosser
Jim GrosserDeacon of Missions
Dave Kramka
Dave KramkaDeacon of Property
Diane Lindaman
Diane LindamanDeacon of Care
Jordan Lockman
Jordan LockmanDeacon of Community Engagement
Sue Sacquitne
Sue SacquitneDeacon of Congregational Life
Yewande Olapade
Yewande OlapadeDeacon of Finance
Open Position
Open PositionDeacon of Hospitality